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Go for the Gold!

Acts 17:1-15

When building something out of more than one type of metal, you need to be mindful of the possibility of dissimilar metals corrosion. This happens when moisture produces an electrical charge that will corrode one of the metals. To prevent corrosion, a sacrificial metal is added to the electrical charge and preserves the other metals. For example, outboard motors made of aluminum have zinc as a sacrificial metal (called an anode). Zinc has a higher voltage than aluminum, so it draws the electrical charge and begins to corrode, leaving the aluminum intact. A water heater also has an aluminum or zinc anode to preserve the steel vessel at the sacrifice of the anode.

The Galvanic Index Chart lists different metals and their voltage ratings. Gold is at the top of the chart with zero volts. It is one of the Noble Metals, which are the most resistant to any form of corrosion and maintain their integrity. Much further down on the chart are base metals that have a higher voltage rating. Aluminum and zinc are two metals in this category that easily corrode.

Metals have corrosion problems; people have corruption problems. These two words have similar characteristics, such as destroy, consume, impair, render useless for the intended purpose, destruction of integrity and deterioration. Just as zinc is used as a sacrificial metal to take the corrosion and preserve another metal, God provided a sacrificial Lamb to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29). That sacrifice saves us from the penalty of death as the wages for our sin (Romans 6:23).

We are reminded in Acts 17:11 that the Bereans were more "noble-minded...for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so" (NASB). As believers, we need to take heed to the Bereans' example so that we are no longer children, "tossed to and fro, and carries about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14, KJV).

So go for the Gold! Be noble-minded like the Bereans.

Don Rasmussen


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